Saturday, 22 February 2025 |
“Online News Media Pvt Ltd” is a Private Limited company established in the year 1999. The company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1956 has its corporate office at Bangalore. Over the years this company has traversed a path which has led the company to a zone where there is more pride and less competition. This enviable situation is not by sheer coincidence but is a result of sincere and passionate efforts by our team of committed professionals who give priority to every action that can enhance the goodwill of our company. This has been achieved by ensuring customer satisfaction which can be aptly summarized as follows:.
“We generate profit as a byproduct of goodwill and customer satisfaction”
The year of establishment itself reflects that “a lot of water has flown under the bridge” this is with respect to the experience gained along the timeline, looking back retrospectively we realized that we have accumulated a huge database of dedicated clientele which made it very clear to our management that public relations was one of the forays we could tap upon, apart from marketing.
Actually the name of the company seems to represent only a limited facet of all the major activities being carried out by the company but the goodwill and a whole lot of happy customer have ensured and endorsed what Sir William Shakespeare very famously wrote “What’s in a name” and further if I have to quote one more famous extract of the great playwright it would be as follows..
Using supreme technology’s, our massive data base and decades of experience in sales, promotions, marketing ; making success stories is our specialty
Our founders still oversee day-to-day operations and touch each account.
As your marketing agency we take full responsibility for every aspect of your campaign.
In strategy, creative, design and production departments – flexible with your ideas.
Great marketing agencies don’t just sell services; they sell ideas.
Did we increase brand awareness? Did we generate calls, clicks, and visits? Did we impact the bottom line? These are the questions we ask ourselves at the end of every working day as one of the top marketing agencies
Eco Friendly
All our ideas, concepts are nature loving
& with a vision …….